FireCCIS1SA10: ESA Fire Climate Change Initiative (Fire_cci) - Sentinel-1 Burned Area product for a Large Demonstrator Area in South America

  1. Chuvieco, Emilio 1
  2. Pettinari, María Lucrecia 2
  3. Tanse, Mihai 2
  4. Belenguer Plomer, Miguel Ángel 2
  5. Lizundia-Loiola, Joshua 2
  1. 1 (Departamento de Geología, Geografía y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Alcalá)
  2. 2 (Universidad de Alcalá)

Argitaratzaile: e-cienciaDatos

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Mota: Dataset


In support of the IPCC, the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) programme comprises the participation of different projects, each focusing on the production of global coverage of an Essential Climate Variable (ECV). The ECV Fire Disturbance (Fire_cci) provides validated, error-characterised, global and regional data sets of burned areas (BA) derived from existing satellite observations. The Fire_cci BA products consist of a Pixel and Grid product addressing the needs and requirements of climate, atmospheric and ecosystem scientists and researchers supporting their modelling efforts. Further information on the ESA CCI Programme and a comprehensive documentation on the underlying algorithms, work flow, production system and product validation is publicly accessible on FireCCIS1SA10 provides burned area (BA) information over a large demonstrator area (LDA) located in tropical South America for the year 2017. It is based on an algorithm that uses Sentinel-1 SAR information, with MODIS hotspots and land cover as auxiliary information, to detect areas that have burned due to wildfires. The product is provided in monthly tiles in geographical coordinates with a spatial resolution of 0.00035932447 degrees (approx. 40 m).