FirEUrisk_Europe_fuel_map: European fuel map at 1 km resolution

  1. Aragoneses, Elena 1
  2. Garcia, Mariano 1
  3. Chuvieco, Emilio 1
  1. 1 (UAH)

Editor: e-cienciaDatos

Año de publicación: 2022

Tipo: Dataset


The European fuel map is a raster layer representing the first-level fuel types of the FirEUrisk fuel classification system for the continental scale, in: Aragoneses et al., (2022) Classification and mapping of the European fuels using a hierarchical-multipurpose fuel classification system [in preparation]. The European fuel map was generated through the integration of existing land cover datasets and bioclimatic modelling. Then, it was smoothed and resampled to the target spatial resolution (1 km). Finally, it was validated using LUCAS (Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey), Google images, and the GlobeLand30 map. Further information can be found in the Product User Manual (PUM). The European fuel map is part of the FirEUrisk project, which pretends to create a European integrated strategy for fire danger assessment, reduction, and adaptation.