Las arquitectas de la BauhausLa lucha por el espacio total

  1. Josenia Hervás y Heras
Mujer y espacio doméstico: Retratos de la desigualdad de género en la arquitectura y la ciudad modernas
  1. Rodrigo Almonacid Canseco (coord.)

Editorial: Instituto Universitario de Urbanística ; Universidad de Valladolid

ISBN: 9788409625536

Ano de publicación: 2024

Páxinas: 15-31

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


After the First World War, European women showed a new sense of self-confidence and security, having helped to manage civilian life while the men were at the front. This “new woman”, after the war, wanted to acquire training that would enable her to pursue a profession recognized by society. The German Bauhaus school, inaugurated in 1919, offered female students the possibility of enrolling in various workshops that unified craftsmanship and art. They flocked to enroll, so the director and masters, overwhelmed by the female success, referred them en masse to the textile workshop. When the Bauhaus moved to Dessau, craftsmanship became technology. We then find female students designing not only new textiles, but also lamps, furniture, wallpaper patterns, advertising projects and graphic design, not to mention a hitherto male profession: architecture. The women architects who graduated from the Bauhaus managed to move from the two-dimensional to the total space.