Looking at the modern landscape of submediterranean Greece through a palaeoecological lens

  1. Morales-Molino, C.
  2. van Vugt, L.
  3. van Leeuwen, J.F.N.
  4. Gobet, E.
  5. Schwörer, C.
  6. Ganz, K.
  7. Giagkoulis, T.
  8. Brugger, S.O.
  9. Bogaard, A.
  10. Hafner, A.
  11. Kotsakis, K.
  12. Lotter, A.F.
  13. Tinner, W.
Science of the Total Environment

ISSN: 1879-1026 0048-9697

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 949

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.SCITOTENV.2024.174986 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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