Searchers and miners: first signs of flint exploitation in Madrid's region (Spain)

  1. Baena Preysler, Javier 1
  2. Bárez del Cueto, Sergio
  3. Pérez-González, Alfredo
  4. Roca, Marta
  5. Lázaro, Ana
  6. Raúl Márquez
  7. Rus Pérez, Inmaculada
  8. Manzano, Carmen
  9. Cuartero, Felipe
  10. Ortiz, Irene
  11. Rodríguez, Pedro
  12. Pérez, Teresa
  13. González García, Iván
  14. Polo, José
  15. Rubio Gil, Daniel
  16. Alcaraz-Castaño, Manuel
  17. Escobar, Ana
  1. 1 Bárez del Cueto, Sergio
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre- and Protohistoric Times (Madrid, 14-17 October 2009)

Argitaletxea: Archaeopress

ISBN: 9781407308319

Argitalpen urtea: 2011

Orrialdeak: 203-220

Biltzarra: International Conference of the UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre- and Protohistoric Times (2. 2009. Madrid)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena