Comunicaciones, sistemas multitasa e ingeniería biomédica - Communications, Multirate Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering.
Universidad de León
León, EspañaPublications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad de León (2)
Long-term benefit of early pre-reperfusion metoprolol administration in patients with acute myocardial infarction: Results from the Metocard-CNIC trial (Effect of Metoprolol in Cardioprotection during an Acute Myocardial Infarction)
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol. 63, Núm. 22, pp. 2356-2362
Study design for the effect of METOprolol in CARDioproteCtioN during an acute myocardial InfarCtion (METOCARD-CNIC): A randomized, controlled parallel-group, observer-blinded clinical trial of early pre-reperfusion metoprolol administration in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
American Heart Journal, Vol. 164, Núm. 4