Personal Investigador - Ramón y Cajal
Departamento: Economía
Area: Applied Economics
Research group: Evaluación de Impacto Socioeconómico - Socio-economic impact evaluation group
Email: jens.peters@uah.es
Personal web: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jens-peters-3b153a24/
Doctor by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos with the thesis Pyrolysis for biofuels or biochar? A thermodynamic, environmental and economic assessment 2015. Supervised by Dr. J. Dufour.
Jens is a Ramón y Cajal distinguished researcher at University of Alcalá, Madrid. With a degree in Engineering and a PhD in Environmental and Chemical Engineering he is working on the sustainability assessment of energy systems, with a special focus on energy storage systems and batteries, but also clean mobility, urban transport and assessment of decarbonisation policies. Since 2022 he supports the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission in developing the Carbon Footprint rules for rechargeable batteries under the new Battery Regulation. Jens is member of the Nature Sustainability Expert Panel on Batteries, part of the Batteries Europe Task Forces on Sustainability and Social Science and Humanities, vice-president of the AScUS (Actionable Science for Urban Sustainability) Society, member of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and part of the organizing committee of the bi-annual AScUS conference on Urban Sustainability.