María del Pilar
Castro Díez
Profesor/a Titular Universidad

Universidade Do Porto
Oporto, PortugalUniversidade Do Porto-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (4)
Alien Plant Species: Environmental Risks in Agricultural and Agro-Forest Landscapes Under Climate Change
Climate Change Management (Springer), pp. 215-234
Global effects of non-native tree species on multiple ecosystem services
Biological Reviews, Vol. 94, Núm. 4, pp. 1477-1501
An indicator-based approach to analyse the effects of non-native tree species on multiple cultural ecosystem services
Ecological Indicators, Vol. 85, pp. 48-56
Current and future conflicts between eucalypt plantations and high biodiversity areas in the Iberian Peninsula
Journal for Nature Conservation, Vol. 45, pp. 107-117