Publicacions en què col·labora amb Julia Aramendi (25)


  1. Application of geometric morphometrics to the analysis of cut mark morphology on different bones of differently sized animals. Does size really matter?

    Quaternary International, Vol. 517, pp. 33-44

  2. Constraining time and ecology on the Zinj paleolandscape: Microwear and mesowear analyses of the archaeofaunal remains of FLK Zinj and DS (Bed I), compared to FLK North (Bed I) and BK (Bed II) at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)

    Quaternary International, Vol. 526, pp. 4-14

  3. Cut marks and raw material exploitation in the lower pleistocene site of Bell's Korongo (BK, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania): A geometric morphometric analysis

    Quaternary International, Vol. 526, pp. 155-168

  4. Geometric-morphometric analysis of tooth pits and the identification of felid and hyenid agency in bone modification

    Quaternary International, Vol. 517, pp. 79-87

  5. Level U3.1, a new archaeological level discovered at BK (upper bed II, Olduvai Gorge) with evidence of megafaunal exploitation

    Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 158

  6. Spilled ink blots the mind: A reply to Merrit et al. (2018) on subjectivity and bone surface modifications

    Journal of Archaeological Science

  7. The meta-group social network of early humans: A temporal–spatial assessment of group size at FLK Zinj (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania)

    Journal of Human Evolution, Vol. 127, pp. 54-66

  8. Who ate OH80 (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania)? A geometric-morphometric analysis of surface bone modifications of a Paranthropus boisei skeleton

    Quaternary International, Vol. 517, pp. 118-130