José Carlos
Nieto Borge
Profesor/a Titular Universidad
Laura María
Cornejo Bueno
Profesor/a Permanente Laboral
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Laura María Cornejo Bueno (4)
Significant wave height and energy flux estimation with a Genetic Fuzzy System for regression
Ocean Engineering, Vol. 160, pp. 33-44
A grouping genetic algorithm - Extreme learning machine approach for optimal wave energy prediction
2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2016
Accurate estimation of significant wave height with Support Vector Regression algorithms and marine radar images
Coastal Engineering, Vol. 114, pp. 233-243
Significant wave height and energy flux prediction for marine energy applications: A grouping genetic algorithm - Extreme Learning Machine approach
Renewable Energy, Vol. 97, pp. 380-389