Nerea del
Rey Maestre
Profesor/a Ayudante Doctor/a
María del Pilar
Jarabo Amores
Catedrático/a de Universidad
Publications dans lesquelles il/elle collabore avec María del Pilar Jarabo Amores (60)
Target detection, ISAR imaging and tracking capabilities of a passive radar net utilising barrage jamming signals
IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation
Motion Compensation for Long Integration Times and DoA Processing in Passive Radars
Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, Núm. 4
Adaptive Beamforming Approaches to Improve Passive Radar Performance in Sea and Wind Farms' Clutter
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), Vol. 22, Núm. 18
Improved 2D Ground Target Tracking in GPS-Based Passive Radar Scenarios
Sensors, Vol. 22, Núm. 5
Planar Array and spatial filtering techniques for improving DVB-S based passive radar coverage
2022 19th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2022
Road Traffic Passive Radar Imaging using DVB-S
Proceedings International Radar Symposium
SAR Clutter Modelling in Complex Images for Ship CFAR Detection
Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference
2D Ground Target Location Using GPS based Passive Radar
2021 Signal Processing Symposium, SPSympo 2021
4D Passive Radar for Drone Detection and Tracking
Proceedings International Radar Symposium
A DVB-T Passive Radar 3D-Detection Approach Based on Non-Coherent Spatial Integration
EuRAD 2020 - 2020 17th European Radar Conference
Broadband modified-circle-shape patch antenna with H-aperture feeding for a passive radar array
Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 110
Clutter characterization for robust detection of slow moving targets in Ka-band Noise Radar Images
2021 18th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2021
DVB-T-based passive radar for silent surveillance of drones
Radar Countermeasures for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Institution of Engineering and Technology), pp. 167-212
DVB-S passive radar performance evaluation in semi-urban ground scenario
Proceedings International Radar Symposium
DVB-T Receiver Independent of Channel Allocation, with Frequency Offset Compensation for Improving Resolution in Low Cost Passive Radar
IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20, Núm. 24, pp. 14958-14974
On the Impact of Drone Airscrews Signature on Passive Radar Detection and Tracking Stages
IEEE National Radar Conference - Proceedings
Coherent Detection and 3D Tracking Stages of a DVB-T Based Passive Radar for Terrestrial Traffic Monitoring
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Contoured-beam reflectarray for improving angular coverage in DVB-S passive radars
Proceedings International Radar Symposium
First Approach on Ground Target Detection with GPS based Passive Radar: Experimental Results
2019 Signal Processing Symposium, SPSympo 2019
Generalized gamma distribution SAR sea clutter modelling for oil spill candidates detection
European Signal Processing Conference