María Dolores
Rodríguez Frías
Catedrático/a de Universidad
Publicacions (204) Publicacions de María Dolores Rodríguez Frías
Dark matter line searches with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Vol. 2024, Núm. 7
EUSO-SPB1 mission and science
Astroparticle Physics, Vol. 154
Influence of the Experimental Setup on Electromagnetic Pulses in the VHF Band at Relativistic High-Power Laser Facilities
Photonics, Vol. 11, Núm. 5
Uncovering the Drivers of Responsive Ionospheric Dynamics to Severe Space Weather Conditions: A Coordinated Multi-Instrumental Approach
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Vol. 129, Núm. 3
Developments and results in the context of the JEM-EUSO program obtained with the ESAF simulation and analysis framework
European Physical Journal C, Vol. 83, Núm. 11
Observation of large scale precursor correlations between cosmic rays and earthquakes with a periodicity similar to the solar cycle
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 247
Performance of the joint LST-1 and MAGIC observations evaluated with Crab Nebula data
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 680
Spectral Features of Forbush Decreases during Geomagnetic Storms
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 242
A Review of the EUSO-Balloon Pathfinder for the JEM-EUSO Program
Space Science Reviews, Vol. 218, Núm. 1
A study on UV emission from clouds with Mini-EUSO
Proceedings of Science
An overview of the JEM-EUSO program and results
Proceedings of Science
Cosmic ray ensembles as signatures of ultra-high energy photons interacting with the solar magnetic field
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Vol. 2022, Núm. 3
EAS optical Cherenkov signatures of tau neutrinos for space and suborbital detectors
Proceedings of Science
EUSO-SPB2 Telescope Optics and Testing
Proceedings of Science
EUSO@TurLab project in view of Mini-EUSO and EUSO-SPB2 missions
Proceedings of Science
Estimation of the exposure of the TUS space-based cosmic ray observatory
Proceedings of Science
Expected Performance of the EUSO-SPB2 Fluorescence Telescope
Proceedings of Science
Expected performance of the K-EUSO space-based observatory
Proceedings of Science
Measurement of UV light emission of the nighttime Earth by Mini-EUSO for space-based UHECR observations
Proceedings of Science
Neutrino Target-of-Opportunity Observations with Space-based and Suborbital Optical Cherenkov Detectors
Proceedings of Science