Departamento: Electrónica

Àrea: Tecnologia Electrònica

Grup d'investigació: Ingeniería Electrónica aplicada a Espacios Inteligentes y Transporte ; Electronic Engineering Applied to Intelligent Spaces and Transport


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Doctor per la Universidad de Alcalá amb la tesi Contribución al diseño e implementación de un sistema sonar para la automatización de un vehículo industrial 1998. Dirigida per Dr. Manuel Ramón Mazo Quintas.

Jesús Ureña holds a Degree in Telecommunications Eng. from the UPM and PhD in Telecommunications Eng. from the UAH, where currently holds the position of Full Professor in the Dep. of Electronics. He has been the Director and Secretary of this Dep. of the UAH. Since 1999 he is leading the GEINTRA-USRF research group with 7 permanent researchers and an average of more than 15 scholarships, contracts and PhD students. He has participated in numerous research projects, 35 with public funding (13 as IP) and more than 30 with private funding. The topics addressed cover the areas of mobile robotics, multisensor integration, ultrasound and infrared sensors, implementation of algorithms in hardware, positioning systems, ambient assisted living and electronic and information technologies applied to transport. As a result of the research projects, there are more than 85 international publications in indexed journals and participation in national and international conferences (more than 150 papers). Many of the journals are the best in their respective categories resulting in high citation rates and are highly valued in applied engineering: e.g. IEEE Proceedings, IEEE Trans. on Robotics, IEEE Trans. on Signal Proc., IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Meas., ... He is also a co-inventor in 11 patents. The recognition of this activity ends up in the positive evaluation of five consecutive 6-year periods of research (1993-1998, 1999-2001, 2002-2009, 2010-2015, 2016-2021) and one of transference (2020). He applied for funding to start the Motion Capture Lab of the UAH and participated in 2016. He has tutored more than 150 final students’ works in Grades and Masters. He has supervised or co-supervised up to 20 doctoral theses, within a doctoral program with a Quality Mention since 2003, 9 of the thesis with European doctorate recognition and 4 in international co-supervision (Univ. Blaise-Pascal [Fr], Xi’an Technology University [Ch], Univ. de Tunis El Manar [Tu] and Univ. de La Plata [Ar]). Eight (8) of them obtained the award for best thesis at the University of Alcalá. Most of the former students are involved in research activities at universities (4 in LatAm, 1 in Asia, 1 in Africa and 10 in Spain). He stayed several months in European and Latin-American Centers: LASMEA at Blaise Pascal Univ. (Fr), Intell. Syst. Centre at Algarve Univ. (Po). He is the coordinator of projects and promotor of the Indoor Positioning and Navigation Network (REPNIN++) with thirteen Spanish groups. He has been General Chair in the 5th IEEE Int. Symp. on Intell. Signal Processing - WISP'07, and in the 7th Int. Conf. on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), held in Alcalá de Henares in 2016. Member of the IPIN Steering Committee and TPCs in national and international conferences (I2MTC, VICIMS, ETFA, WISP, ROSE, IPIN, ...). He was an outstanding editor (2014-2020) and currently is Associate Editor in Chief of the journal “IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Meas.", and Associate Editor of J-ISPIN and “Sensors”. President of the Spanish chapter of the IEEE Instrum. and Meas. Society. With his research group, he was awarded 1st Prize of the 11th Ideas Competition for the creation of Technology-Based Companies-UAH, and the UAH Social Council Award for the Transfer of Knowledge University-Society for the work "Ambient Intelligence for independent living" (2019). He continuously collaborates in dissemination activities to society, such as Science Week or industry demonstrations.