Publications (23) Diego López Pajares publications


  1. A Survey on AI-Empowered Softwarized Industrial IoT Networks

    Electronics (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 10

  2. Towards AI-enabled Cloud Continuum for IIoT: Challenges and Opportunities

    International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Computer, Data Sciences, and Applications, ACDSA 2024


  1. A Comprehensive Survey of In-Band Control in SDN: Challenges and Opportunities

    Electronics (Switzerland), Vol. 12, Núm. 6

  2. A scalable SDN in-band control protocol for IoT networks in 6G environments

    Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking, CommNet 2023

  3. The Cloud Continuum for Military Deployable Networks: Challenges and Opportunities

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)


  1. ARP-P4: deep analysis of a hybrid SDN ARP-Path/P4Runtime switch

    Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 72, Núm. 4, pp. 555-565

  2. Amaru: Plugplay resilient in-band control for SDN

    IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 123202-123218

  3. Combined ARP-PathRSTP Bridges for Smooth Migration to Robust Shortest Path Bridging

    Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN

  4. Improving Multipath Routing of TCP Flows by Network Exploration

    IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 13608-13621

  5. Iterative Discovery of Multiple Disjoint Paths in Switched Networks with Multicast Frames

    Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN

  6. PAST-HOAS: Fast Setup of Per-Address Sink Routing Trees by Reverse Flooding

    Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN