Mooc-cloud framework para el desarrollo de actividades de aprendizaje utilizando herramientas de la nube

  1. Morales Chan, Miguel
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Roberto Barchino Plata Doktorvater
  2. José Amelio Medina Merodio Co-Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 26 von Juni von 2019

  1. Llorenç Huguet Rotger Präsident/in
  2. José Javier Martínez Herráiz Sekretär
  3. Eva Pelechano Barahona Vocal
  1. Ciencias de la Computación

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 150452 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


This doctoral thesis provides a general analysis of the use of cloud-based tools (CBT) for the design of learning activities in a massive open online course (MOOC), it proposes the development of a framework for the creation and management of learning artifacts, associated with Bloom´s digital taxonomy to enrich the teaching-learning process. This doctoral thesis presents three impact journal papers which demonstrate (1) the state of the art of the use of CBT for the construction of learning activities in a virtual environment, (2) the main factors that determine the adoption of a CBT by MOOC students, evaluating at the same time, which are the most effective learning strategies and the aspects that motivate their use and (3) how the use of a CBT influences the improvement of communication and collaboration between teacher-student, student-student and student-teacher in a MOOC environment. The first of these articles describes a structural equation modeling to explain the educational usage of CBT in terms of their adoption and application in learning activities within a virtual environment. The second article evaluate the behavioral intention to use CBT in a MOOC context, and explore the factors that influence this intention, based on extended Technology of Acceptance Model (TAM). The last of the articles, measures MOOC students’ motivational and the level of use of different cognitive and metacognitive strategies related to the development of learning activities supported by CBT. This evaluation was carried out using the Motivation and Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ).