Análisis económico de la demanda de educación universitaria y sus determinantesun análisis cuantitativo para Colombia

  1. González Espitia, Carlos Giovanni
Dirigée par:
  1. Cecilia Albert Verdú Directrice
  2. John James Mora Co-directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 12 décembre 2011

  1. Carlos García Serrano President
  2. Virginia Hernanz Martín Secrétaire
  3. José Manuel Roig Cotanda Rapporteur
  4. María Ángeles Davia Rodríguez Rapporteur
  5. Isabel Neira Gómez Rapporteur
  1. Economía

Type: Thèses


The objective of this dissertation is to understand the forces determining the demand for higher education in Colombia. The analysis is based on robust discrete choice microeconometric models and a rich micro data base spanning the years 1981-2005. The methodology accounts for the correlation of the unobserved heterogeneity of high school students and their decision to engage in postsecondary studies. In particular, I am concerned about the fact that high school graduates are a selected sample of the population with unobserved skills that are correlated with their choice of higher education. The dissertation has four parts: First, I present a literature review, followed, in the second part, by an analysis of the environment and the institutional background. Third, I estimate a model of demand for secondary and postsecondary education. Fourth, I discuss and correct the problem of sample selection implied by the fact that a high school degree is a prerequisite for higher levels of education.