Aprendiendo Geología mediante la investigación en el aula

  1. Pablo Hernández, Miguel Angel de
Investigación y didáctica para las aulas del siglo XXI: experiencias docentes y estrategias de innovación educativa para la enseñanza de la biología y la geología: Actas del I Congreso de docentes de Ciencias de la Naturaleza
  1. González Montero de Espinosa, Marisa (coord.)
  2. Baratas Díaz, Luis Alfredo (coord.)

Publisher: Santillana

ISBN: 978-84-680-0377-1

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 139-144

Congress: Congreso de docentes de Ciencias de la Naturaleza (1. 2011. null)

Type: Conference paper


Geomorphology is a branch of Geology what could be complex and tedious to students due to the wide variety of landforms, the extensive nomenclature and the many parameters that determine specific reliefs (lithology, geochemistry, climate, slope, vegetation, etc.). To facilitate understanding of how multiple factors determine the reliefs that can form in a region, here it is proposed an activity for the student to find, check out and investigate the origin of certain reliefs. This activity also allows introduce students to the scientific method and the reasoned discussion, evidence-based, of multiple working hypotheses.