La plena igualdad como garantía de los derechos sociales y la proyección de la solidaridad

  1. Macías Jara, María
Lex social: revista de los derechos sociales

ISSN: 2174-6419

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Alea: 3

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 79-102

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Lex social: revista de los derechos sociales


The structural changes reflected in the current situation oblige to rethink social protection in the context of integral solidarity. This makes necessary to seal a new social pact with social rights as a normative horizon and inequalities and budgetary and financial constraints as limitations that must be recognized and resolved. It's about building bridges between social rights and policy criteria to ensure their enforceability but also, it has to start from the required legislative action to cover legal and regulatory framework that addresses the principle of legal certainty. The welfare state is a guarantee for the effectiveness of social rights. The rights are constitutionalized and they are here to be guaranteed as much as possible. The key is not necessarily about creating rights, they currently exist. It is enough with changing the paradigm and not to examine them as defensive rights. It is a matter of key importance to examine such rights as effective protection rights. But such effectiveness is not only referred to public policies, but to values and to human rights, such as equality and its projection in solidarity, which implies that it is crucial to found in the balance impending regulatory and resources available, the key to the full projection of social rights. The ductility of the right also extends to the Spanish Constitution. Social rights are enforceable and justiciable because they set the minimum that the State should cover in the fields of economic and social development to ensure the operation of fair societies and to legitimize its own existence. Under the UDHR, all human rights are integral and interdependent, because there is no real enjoyment of the few without adequate protection of all as an integrator set to safeguard human dignity.

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