Desigualdad salarialuna revisión de las medidas dirigidas a reducirla

  1. Carlos GARCÍA-SERRANO 1
  2. José María ARRANZ 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


Papeles de economía española

ISSN: 0210-9107

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Los problemas del mercado de trabajo y las reformas pendientes

Issue: 156

Pages: 94-109

Type: Article

More publications in: Papeles de economía española


This paper presents an overview of the existing evidence on the evolution of wage dispersion in the developed countries and in Spain during the last four decades, on the one hand, and examines in depth some of the measures that policy-makers could consider in order to reduce wage inequality, on the other hand. Among these measures, we take account of an increase in the minimum wage, the enactment of wage limits and/or maximum proportions of wages within companies, and certain changes in the tax policy.

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