Current research in Turkish’ education today

  1. García Laborda, Jesús 1
  1. 1 Franklin Institute, Universidad de Alcalá
Education in the knowledge society (EKS)

ISSN: 2444-8729 1138-9737

Any de publicació: 2019

Número: 20

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Education in the knowledge society (EKS)


Special section devoted to Turkish’ education, which comprises five selected papers after a peer-review process.

Referències bibliogràfiques

  • Marsh, H. W. (1990). Two-parent, stepparent, and single-parent families: Changes in achievement, attitudes, and behaviors during the last two years of high school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82(2), 327-40. doi:
  • Ttofi, M. M., Bowes, L., Farrington, D. P., & Lösel, F. (2014). Protective factors interrupting the continuity from school bullying to later internalizing and externalizing problems: A systematic review of prospective longitudinal studies. Journal of School Violence, 13(1), 5-38. doi: