La interacción de la audiencia en las series de ficciónel caso de SKAM España
Universidad de Alcalá
ISSN: 2174-0992
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: La era de la desinformación global: diagnósticos y respuestas
Issue: 23
Pages: 143-173
Type: Article
More publications in: adComunica: revista científica de estrategias, tendencias e innovación en comunicación
The way fiction series are consumed is in a transformation that gives importance to the interaction between the spectators and the different narrative elements. This transition is mainly determined by the new consumption habits of the audience, influenced by the social networks and the value they give to the participation with the content and the rest of the viewers. The main objective of this research is the analysis of the interaction generated in the social network Twitter with respect to the remake SKAM Spain (Movistar+, 2018-present) of the Norwegian series SKAM (NRK, 2015-2017). The series approaches the real life of teenagers and has given rise to a network of interactions by the audience. This makes it possible for viewers to feel identified and immersed in the fiction. For the elaboration of this article, a qualitative analysis based on virtual ethnography and ecological perspectives is used in order to interpret the actions of the viewers and thus be able to study this social phenomenon. In conclusion, it is determined that the effectiveness of the interaction between the young audience and the different narrative elements arises from the adaptation of the narrative of the series so that the viewers feel identified with the plots and characters.
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