Atributos y predicativos: el reto de hacer de la predicación un asunto interesante

  1. Gumiel Molina, Silvia 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


ReGroc: revista de gramática orientada a las competencias

ISSN: 2565-0394

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: L'estructura argumental a secundària

Volume: 5

Issue: 1

Pages: 183-202

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5565/REV/REGROC.92 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: ReGroc: revista de gramática orientada a las competencias

Sustainable development goals


The study of syntactic functions is conceived as the central objective of syntactic reflection in secondary education; in this sense, attributes and secondary predicates are taught as the rest of the syntactic functions, although they establish a different relationship with other elements of the sentence since they are predicates. In this paper I try to offer some keys that help non-university level teachers to improve their teaching practice in syntax through these two functions. To do this, a brief review of some theoretical aspects is provided, firstly; second, reference is made to how these contents are worked on in secondary school and the main problems detected are pointed out; finally, a set of activities is presented that can be used in the classroom to work with these two functions.

Bibliographic References

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