Seguimiento farmacoterapéutico desde la oficina de farmacia a población ancianaincumplimiento de tratamiento y seguimiento en pacientes diabéticos

Dirigée par:
  1. Josefa Begoña Escalera Izquierdo Directrice
  2. Miguel Angel Rodríguez Chamorro Co-directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 04 mai 2023

  1. M. Ángeles Peña Fernández President
  2. María Adolfina Ruiz Martínez Secrétaire
  3. Emilio García Jiménez Rapporteur
  1. Ciencias Biomédicas

Type: Thèses


The objective of this work has been to delve into Pharmaceutical Care. Through the pharmacy office of the municipality of Buendía and the nursing home located there, volunteers were requested. Those who accepted, 73 people, signed an informed consent. The blood group and Rh were determined for each patient, at the same time, through the study of their treatments, the diseases suffered by each one were determined. Of the 73 patients included in this study, 17 were diabetic and underwent pharmacotherapeutic follow-up to improve their disease through three interviews, where they were given hygienic-sanitary guidelines, dietary advice and the correct way to take their antidiabetic treatments, through the weekly preparation of personalized medication dosage system (SPDs), thus achieving the improvement of their glucose levels. The most prevalent groups are A and 0 with 42.46%, followed by B (13.70%) and AB (1.37%). In turn, taking into account Rh, the most abundant is A+ (35.61%), followed by group 0+ (27.40%). The population studied is polymedicated, 625 medications, a consumption of 8.6 drugs each patient and each day. Medications from group N (Nervous System) predominate with 27.8%, followed by group A (Digestive System and Metabolism) with 21.65%, in third place, group C (Cardiovascular System) with 20.10% and in fourth place group B (Blood and hematopoietic organs) with 12.10%. The most consumed active ingredients are: omeprazole (52.05%), acetylsalicylic acid (28.76%) and paracetamol (23.28%). Pharmacotherapeutic monitoring of adherence to treatment in diabetic patients has improved therapeutic compliance by 100%, given that the decrease in glucose concentrations measured in capillary blood ranges from 2.07% to 37.89% after the three interviews carried out. with these patients.