Prevención de la violencia de género a través del sistema educativoa partir del taller "genero, violencia y educación"

  1. María Malena Lenta
  2. Enrique Bonilla Algovia
Cuadernos del Instituto Ikeda

ISSN: 2660-8375 2660-7999

Ano de publicación: 2020

Título do exemplar: Primer año, primera edición

Número: 1

Páxinas: 69-77

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Cuadernos del Instituto Ikeda


Violence and gender inequality shape a complex socio-structural problem. Thus, its approach requires social transformation actions. Education is not enough to eliminate all inequalities and violence by itself. But it can further gender equality as long as it is based on non-sexist practices. In this framework, the paper deepens in the workshop "Gender, violence and education" developed in the "Convention on Sustainable Development Goals: Educational keys to a peace culture" by delving into the understanding of gender violence and the coeducation approach. Likewise, Spain and Argentina educational experiences are recovered as possible tools to promote non-sexist education, stir up equality and to prevent gender violence.