Publications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (6)


  1. Higueras y su rascainfiernos. Otro lenguaje, otra estética, otra ecología y arquitectura

    RAM: Revista de Arquitecturas Modernas, Núm. 1, pp. 208-227


  1. Bionic science as a tool for innovation in Mega-Cities

    Urban Book Series (Springer), pp. 193-212


  1. Bio-inspired lightweight structural systems: Learning from microcomponents in the nature for the energy efficiency in the architecture

    Nano and Biotech Based Materials for Energy Building Efficiency (Springer International Publishing), pp. 391-409


  1. Architectural bio-photo reactors: Harvesting microalgae on the surface of architecture

    Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering (Springer International Publishing), pp. 163-179


  1. Architecture as an energy factory: Pushing the envelope

    Construction and Building Research (Springer Netherlands), pp. 209-217