Publicaciones en las que colabora con Miguel Ángel Sotelo Vázquez (101)


  1. Insertion of Real Agents Behaviors in CARLA Autonomous Driving Simulator

    International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications, CHIRA - Proceedings

  2. Testing Predictive Automated Driving Systems: Lessons Learned and Future Recommendations

    IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, Vol. 14, Núm. 6, pp. 77-93


  1. 3D-DEEP: 3-Dimensional Deep-learning based on elevation patterns for road scene interpretation

    IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings

  2. RNN-based Pedestrian Crossing Prediction using Activity and Pose-related Features

    IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings

  3. The PREVENTION Challenge: How Good Are Humans Predicting Lane Changes?

    IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings

  4. Vehicle Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Highway Scenarios Using Bird Eye View Representations and CNNs

    2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2020


  1. Experimental validation of lane-change intention prediction methodologies based on CNN and LSTM

    2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 2019

  2. Pedestrian Path, Pose, and Intention Prediction Through Gaussian Process Dynamical Models and Pedestrian Activity Recognition

    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 20, Núm. 5, pp. 1803-1814

  3. Performance analysis of Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications for critical tasks in autonomous driving

    2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 2019

  4. The PREVENTION dataset: a novel benchmark for PREdiction of VEhicles iNTentIONs

    2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 2019