Entorno de Diseño Electrónico para Implementación de Control Remoto con Tarjeta de Evaluación miniDK2, Destinado a la Formación en Ingeniería de Control Electrónico de Alumnos de Grado

  1. Cristina Losada Gutiérrez 1
  2. Felipe Espinosa Zapata 1
  3. José Manuel Rodríguez Ascariz 1
  4. Francisco J. Rodríguez Sánchez 1
  5. Marta Marrón Romera 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Electrónica de la Universidad de Alcalá.
TICAI 2016: TICs para el Aprendizaje de la Ingeniería
  1. Alfonso Lago Ferreiro (ed. lit.)
  2. Manuel G. Gericota (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Universidade de Vigo

ISBN: 978-84-8158-732-6

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 49-56

Type: Book chapter

Sustainable development goals


This work describes the electronic design environment and methodology implemented in the laboratory of Electronic Control Engineering in the Degree in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Automation. It is proposed a networked control system of a motion actuator based on a DC motor connected to Ethernet. The control is implemented on the evaluation board miniDK2 connected to the same network. Moreover, the miniDK2 has a serial connection to a PC for the design, debug and evaluation stages. The paper describes how to address from the identification and modelling of the plant under study to the implementation of a position servosystem including a state observer. Some of the obtained results are presented