Novel strategies for the treatment of visceral pain. Role of voltage-gated sodium channels and enhancement of the opioid-induced analgesia by selective blockade of sigma-1 receptor

  1. Artacho Cordón, Antonia
Dirigida per:
  1. Cruz Miguel Cendán Martínez Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 05 de d’abril de 2022

  1. José Manuel Baeyens Cabrera President/a
  2. Enrique José Cobos del Moral Secretari/ària
  3. Lydia Jiménez Díaz Vocal
  4. Carolina Laura Roza Fernández de Caleya Vocal
  5. Enrique Portillo Salido Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


The first goal of this Thesis was to evaluate the antinociceptive effects of TTXin three different visceral pain models in mice: the intracolonic administration of both capsaicin and mustard oil; and a model of cyclophosphamideinduced cystitis.