Publicaciones en las que colabora con Sonia Quiroga Gómez (27)


  1. Facilitating self-efficacy in university students: an interactive approach with Flipped Classroom

    Higher Education Research and Development, Vol. 41, Núm. 5, pp. 1603-1617


  1. Crop production functions and efficiency models: Climate change and water adaptation policy over competitiveness and social disparities of crop production in the mediterranean

    Economic Tools and Methods for the Analysis of Global Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security (Springer International Publishing), pp. 3-10

  2. Equity, health, and sustainability with prove: The evaluation of a portuguese program for a short distance supply chain of fruits and vegetables

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 16, Núm. 24

  3. Forest ownership changes in Europe: State of knowledge and conceptual foundations

    Forest Policy and Economics, Vol. 99, pp. 9-20

  4. Gamificar el aula con Kahoot!: una evaluación de conocimientos previos del alumnado universitario

    Edunovatic 2019 conference proceedings: 4th Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT: 18-19 December, 2019

  5. Insights on urban and periurban adaptation strategies based on stakeholders' perceptions on hard and soft responses to climate change

    Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 3

  6. Metodologías activas en Educación Superior para la formación en competencias del siglo XXI

    Edunovatic 2019 conference proceedings: 4th Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT: 18-19 December, 2019

  7. Natura 2000 payments for private forest owners in Rural Development Programmes 2007–2013 - a comparative view

    Forest Policy and Economics, Vol. 99, pp. 123-135